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Jun 10, 2019
The process of cleaning a bathroom after shaving can be very time-consuming. Additionally, if everything goes straight down sink, it can lead to a clog. To avoid any difficulties, you can cover your sink with a plastic bag. In this case, the only thing you have to do after shaving is throw the bag away.
If you have a hard time when peeling hard-boiled eggs, follow this advice. Add around a teaspoon of baking soda into the cooking water. It will increase the alkalinity and make the process of removing the eggshell fast.
If you enjoy driving a car or riding a bicycle this is something that can happen to you. Here is a little trick that will help you find where the hole is. Fill your tire full of air, mix dish soap and water, and apply it to the tire, bubbles will show you the place where the air leak is.
In the mornings we do not usually have much time. We sometimes oversleep or forget to set the alarm clock. In these cases, every minute is valuable. To make your clothes look neater, hang them up in the bathroom as you shower and the wrinkles will fall out easily.
If you don’t have an air pump but you need to fix a flat tire to get home, grab a bunch of grass or leaves and evenly pack the tire with as much as possible. This will help you with riding until you can reach a safe place.
“When using a shopping cart, as you browse through the store, keep your purse zipped or closed and secure it to the cart by clipping the child safety belt through the strap(s),” the Windham Police Department wrote on Facebook. “This will help in preventing someone from taking advantage of your distraction and running off with the purse.”
This is more simple than it seems: you can even improvise and use a cheap carabiner clip to secure your bag, if the cart doesn’t have a belt.
While traveling, in case you get robbed or leave your wallet somewhere, you should always carry some extra cash with you. The best way to hide it is inside a small inconspicuous object. An old deodorant tube is a great example!
Instead of using such an obvious place to hide your spare house keys, you can bury them in your backyard. This is simple and effective, you will need an empty medicine bottle and a stone for the top of it. Glue the stone on the bottle’s cap, put your keys inside and push the bottle all the way down in the ground, so that only the rock shows. Don’t forget where you buried it and what the rock looks like!
Put a “Beware of Dog” sign on your fence or in your front window, even if you don’t have a dog. This simple warning will make strangers think twice before entering your property and scare burglars as well.
Some importunate labels don’t separate well from cans despite your best efforts. Next time, try to dry the label or price tag with a hairdryer. This should help.
More days for precious bananas! The shelf life of this fruit will increase if you cover them with foil as shown in the image.
We keep cleaning products everywhere: under the sink, in a special closet, near the washing machine, etc. But our storage problems are finally solved! Use a hanging shoe shelf to easily store all of your cleaning supplies.
There’s nothing better than enjoying the divine taste of yesterday’s pizza. But when you heat up the leftovers in the microwave, it dries out and becomes hard and stale. Next time, try putting in a glass of water alongside the pizza or pie you’re heating up. You can thank us later.
Attach a brush to your drill and cleaning will become more effective and time efficient. Brilliant idea!
Jan 27, 2019

As everyone and their dog knows by now, Roger Stone was indicted today. He was also arrested at his home shortly after 6 am in the dark by a dozen heavily armed FBI agents. I am not really fond of Stone, but one can’t help but wonder at the heavy-handed message being sent to President Trump here. This was overkill in my estimation and unnecessary.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders has other observations that are right on the money here. She’s openly wondering why the FBI hasn’t raided the homes of Hillary Clinton, James Comey and James Clapper considering what they just did to Roger Stone. He’s been indicted by a grand jury on charges consisting of seven counts, including allegedly making false statements to Congress, tampering with a witness and obstructing a government investigation. Hillary alone has done a hell of a lot more than that.
Robert Mueller is in his second year of a witch hunt against Trump over the Russian collusion investigation. Stone made bail and then gave an interview to Alex Jones where he says he’ll never testify against Trump and that this is all political. Stone also showed up in court this morning limping and using a cane.
Sanders is right that others such as Clinton have lied to the FBI without such tactics being employed against them as they were against Manafort and Stone.
From The Daily Caller:
“When asked by CNN about the recent arrest, Sanders said, “We’ll let the courts make the decision. A bigger question is: If this is the standard, will the same standard apply to people like Hillary Clinton, James Comey and [James] Clapper?”
“Clinton, former FBI director James Comey and former CIA Director James Clapper have all allegedly made false statements or been dishonest with the authorities during moments of official testimony.
“Sanders continued, asking, “Will we see the same people we know have all made false statements? Will that same standard apply? That’s a question we’ll see what happens on that front.”
“Many in media wondered about CNN’s role in the coverage of the raid of Stone’s home. According to a previous Daily Caller report:
“CNN was the only news outlet to capture footage of Trump-confidant Roger Stone’s arrest Friday morning, raising allegations that they were tipped off to the impending raid by the FBI or the grand jury handling the case.
“The seemingly too-perfect scenario of CNN being the only outlet on scene as the FBI raided Stone’s home sparked allegations that CNN had been tipped off to the arrest.”
I’m pretty sure that CNN was tipped off and had a front row seat for all of this. I also hear that Chad Johnson, an NFL football player who is a neighbor of Stone, was out jogging and saw the whole thing go down. Hard to tell who tipped them off but there are broadcasts that would alert the media if they are being followed such as Broadcastify.
As for the fascist tactics… Wray may have ordered that and not Mueller. Both are complicit but someone should look into that.
All of America is still waiting for justice for Hillary Clinton and others. Instead, we get intimidation tactics like this. These are very bad optics for the FBI.
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Whoopi Goldberg had a major meltdown Monday morning, shocking her co-hosts. Goldberg focused her remarks on Socialistic darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, claiming the 29-year-old is way over her head on Capitol Hill. Whoopi blasted Ocasio-Cortex for “pooping” on the Democrats, telling her to knock it off. But, that’s not all. After Goldberg chastized Ocasio-Cortez, she too was blasted by a nasty surprise she never saw coming. You’ll love this.
Whoopi Goldberg had an adverse reaction to Meghan McCain claiming Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the new face of the Democratic Party and could be someone they run for president in 2020. The mere thought that Socialist Ocasio-Cortez, who is now going by “AOC,” might be someone taken seriously freaked out Whoopi Goldberg.
“In 2016, we learned that the establishment of the Republican Party is insignificant. Voters voted for who they wanted. What we’re going to find out going into 2020 is if the establishment really has any pull within their party like they did with Hillary or if the vain of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Socialist Democrat, in that vain is going to end up being the nominee,” said McCain.
After Goldberg interjected, “Nominee for what?” McCain answered, “For 2020, to be the nominee for president.”
Well, that was it for the 63-year-old comedian. Goldberg jumped on her high horse, hoping to save her beloved Democratic Party from the sheer madness which has taken it by storm; namely, AOC and the other fringe far-leftists like the new Muslim representative Rashida Tlaib, who just unleashed anti-Semitic slurs against Congressional colleagues today.
“Listen, let me just say this about Ocasio-Cortez. She just got in on Thursday. She was sworn in, and she’s very opinionated which we like,” said Goldberg. “We like opinionated women. But, it is very, very difficult when people make accusations where you say, you know, the Democrats have done nothing, the establishment of the Democrats have done nothing. And, I just want to throw this out to you; John Lewis wasn’t sitting still, Dianne Feinstein wasn’t sitting still.”
Joy Behar looked stunned. The 75-year-old former HLN Network host couldn’t believe her ears. Was Whoopi using her platform on The View to expose the Democrats’ dirty laundry? Yes, that is exactly what Whoopi did, and she was just getting warmed up.
“There are a whole bunch of people in the Democratic Party who have been busting their asses to make sure that women get what they need, people get what they need, children get what they need,” added Goldberg. “So you just got in there, and I know you got lots of good ideas, but I would encourage you to sit still for a minute and learn the job,” she continued.
“You know, and just — you know — because there are people in that party who have been working their tails off for this country, and they know a lot. And, you could learn some stuff from them. And, I just feel like, you know, you don’t have to be born into it. You don’t have to know it when you step out, but before you start pooping on people and what they’ve done, you got to do something too,” exclaimed Whoopi.
Joy Behar was so upset Whoopi caved on AOC, she told Goldberg, “She hasn’t done that!”
Well, Americans found the 63-year-old Hollywood Democrat’s rant amusing at best. In fact, many blasted her remarks, pointing out her real issues with AOC. “Funny, now the rich Hollywood liberal wants AOC to slow down after she proposes her 70% tax on rich. AOC’s 70% tax will only raise approx $720B in 10yrs… AOC’s plan calls for $32T in 10yrs… Guess where she’ll try to squeeze the remaining funds from… bye bye middle class,” said Twitter user “Mike B.”
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Rob Sanders, a Kentucky Prosecutor, has vowed to arrest and imprison Hollywood leftists threatening acts of violence against Covington Catholic High School students.
Mr. Sanders, who represents the 16th Judicial Circuit in Kenton County, has made it crystal clear that he intends to go after violent leftists to the fullest extent of the law.
“Threatening acts of violence against educational institutions in Kentucky is a felony and we don’t take it lightly no matter the circumstances. #KYcrime” Rob Sanders tweeted. reports: The left wing media erupted this weekend after students from Covington Catholic High School were targeted with a smear campaign when deceptively edited videos of the children were posted to Twitter.
The frauds in the mainstream media are starting to backtrack their stories after video surfaced of the whole incident involving the Catholic teens and the Native American activist, proving the teens were framed.
But the damage is already done.
The Catholic minor students are now in fear for their lives after Twitter allowed a hate campaign to proliferate unabated.
A Hollywood Producer called for the teens to be murdered in a violent, gruesome manner by being tossed into a woodchipper.
Failed actor and ‘comedian’ Ben Hoffman, who goes by the stage name ‘Wheeler Walker Jr.,’ called for violent sexual crimes to be committed against the minor teens and even offered a reward to whoever can stalk and find the minor child and “punch him in the nuts.”
The American Indian Movement Chapter of Indiana and Kentucky is planning to protest at Covington Catholic School on January 22nd.
They will be protesting “against racist attacks against the March for Indigenous People in Washington DC.”
“We are calling for a boycott of the school itself and the archdiocese for fostering an environment of hatred and violence against people of color,” the statement reads. “We are calling for a boycott of the school until they fire the chaperones who accompanied these students for allowing this attack to happen and we are calling for them to educate their students on racism and a zero tolerance policy regarding racist attacks by students and punish students with expulsion for racist attacks.”
Everything in this statement is a flat out lie. There was ZERO violence and the only racism was coming from the black nationalists calling the white teens “crackers.”
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Conservative watchdog group “Judicial Watch” has uncovered Nancy Pelosi’s 2015 military travel costs to Italy and the Ukraine, including a huge tab for food and alcohol.
Back in July of 2015, Politico reported on the pricey trip.
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi will travel to Italy and Ukraine starting Thursday on a congressional delegation intended to underscore the U.S. commitment to security in that region.
While in Italy, Pelosi and six other Democrats will meet with officials at the U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa Headquarters and the Allied Joint Forces Command Headquarters for security briefings as well as Italian government officials in Rome.
Judicial Watches discovery comes on the heels of a trip Pelosi was scheduled to take to Afghanistan, which President Trump canceled, citing the cost factor during the government shutdown.
CODELS are a huge SCAM on the taxpayer. Don’t fall for this nonsense. They’re glorified vacations, using government assets, where the “business” being done could easily be done from DC. Embassy staff have told me how much they hate them. It’s a scheme.
— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) January 18, 2019
From Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch announced today that it obtained documents through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Air Force detailing $134,587.81 plus $50,000 for an advance of funds for an “escort officer” for a total of $184.587.81 for then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) Congressional delegation (CODEL) to Italy and Ukraine in 2015.
Judicial Watch filed a December 2015 FOIA lawsuit after the Air Force failed to respond to an August 2015 request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Defense (No 1:15-cv-02236)) for:
All records regarding mission taskings of flights escorting members of Congress
All records concerning transportation costs for transporting members of Congress
All passenger manifests (DD-2131) for transporting members of Congress
All weekly travel reports for members of Congress
The documents show that from July 30 to August 6, Pelosi took a trip to Milan, Rome and Naples, Italy, and Kiev, Ukraine, for herself, her husband, several members of congress and their spouses. The Italy trip included Milan, Rome and Naples with visits to the Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel, Duomo and viewing Da Vinci’s “Last Supper.”
The documents also show the Air Force’s negative response to a Pelosi staff request for a specific crew for Pelosi’s flight. An official notes that it: “would be a disastrous precedent to set even if it were possible.” The Air Force further points out: “Our ARC crews have plenty to balance already with military duties and their civilian employers.”
The documents also detail a CODEL trip for Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO), who traveled commercial flights to Asia, including Tokyo and Okinawa, Japan; Seoul, Korea; plus Beijing and Hong Kong, China. This trip, with flights and per diems, cost at least $26,009.03.
“Speaker Pelosi has a demonstrated record of abusing the perks of office that give her access to military luxury travel paid for by taxpayers,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Judicial Watch previously uncovered that Pelosi’s military travel cost the United States Air Force $2,100,744.59 over one two-year period — $101,429.14 of which was for in-flight expenses, including food and alcohol.
Judicial Watch’s work exposing Pelosi’s travel abuses resulted in her successor John Boehner declining to use Air Force luxury jets to travel to his Ohio congressional district.
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President Donald Trump and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) reached a short-term resolution to the government shutdown on Friday.
The deal, announced by the president during a press conference in the White House Rose Garden, will reopen the government for nearly three weeks allowing more than 800,000 federal workers to receive their first paycheck of the year. While the deal will allow the government to commence normal operation, it leaves border security unaddressed.
In his remarks, Trump asserted that he was not capitulating on his request for more than $5 billion to fund construction of a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. Instead, the president argued he was challenging Congress to act so he wouldn’t have to address the issue through the “very powerful alternative” of declaring a national emergency.
“This is an opportunity to work together for the benefit of our whole beautiful, wonderful nation,” Trump said. “If we make a fair deal, the American people will be proud of their government for proving that we can put country before party. We can show all Americans and people all around the world, that both political parties are united when it comes to protecting our country and protecting our people.”
“Many disagree, but I really feel that working with Democrats and Republicans, we can make a truly great and secure deal happen for everyone. Walls should not be controversial.”
“The walls that we are building are not medieval walls. They are smart walls designed to meet the needs of frontline border agents and are operationally effective…. We do not need miles of concrete walls from sea to shining sea. We never did. We never proposed that and we never wanted that because we have barriers at the border where natural structures are as good as anything that we can build.”
The president said he was hopeful a bipartisan solution on border security was possible because a number of Democrats had “finally and fully acknowledged that having barriers, fencing, or walls” would be an “important part of the solution.”
“After 36 days of spirited debate and dialogue, I have seen and heard from enough Democrats and Republicans [to believe] that they are willing to put partisanship aside … and put the security of the American people first.”
Prior to the temporary resolution, opposition to a barrier on the U.S.-Mexico border was crumbling among freshman and moderate Democrats in the House. The defections occurred even though Pelosi and the rest of the Democratic leadership claimed there was a “totally united” front in opposition to the wall.
Democrats’ finessing on the issue was exhibited on Wednesday by freshman representative Kendra Horn of Oklahoma as the shutdown stretched past 34 days.
“We need to get the government back open again and then let’s have a broader conversation that puts everything on the table in terms of border security,” Horn said in an interview with Oklahoma’s KOKH. “That includes smart technology, that includes perhaps in some places a physical barrier.”
Democratic representative Anthony Brindisi (N.Y.), a freshman who the Trump administration courted in efforts to end the budget impasse, made a similar admission.
“Some element of a physical barrier, better technology, more border agents are all things I support. But we also have to look at immigration reform, reform of the asylum process to clear the backlog,” Brindisi said during a recent radio interview. “We should be working with [foreign] countries to improve conditions so people aren’t forced to flee and end up on our doorstep. But we also have to have strong borders, I agree with that.”
Likewise, freshman congressman Ben McAdams (Utah) expressed optimism that a “border barrier could be part” of a compromise deal. McAdams, like Brindisi, refused to support Pelosi’s bid for the speaker’s gavel and has been critical of Pelosi’s handling of the shutdown. Earlier this week, the congressman helped author a letter from House freshmen urging the speaker to “guarantee a vote” on border-wall funding in exchange for an agreement by the president to reopen the government ahead of time.
Freshmen Democrats weren’t the only ones indicating a willingness to compromise. Rep. Ron Kind (Wis.), the chairman of the moderate New Democrat Coalition, urged Pelosi and the rest of the leadership to be realistic about what it would take to appropriately secure the border.
“Democrats and [Democratic] leaders should recognize there may be some additional areas on the border that might require some fencing or steel slats … we already have a lot of it down there already,” Kind told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
The congressman’s office did not return requests for comment on this story.
The most prescient calls for a border wall from within the Democratic majority, however, came from House Agriculture Committee chairman Collin Peterson (Minn.).
“Give Trump the money,” Peterson told a local Minnesota radio station on Tuesday. “I’d give him the whole thing … and put strings on it so you make sure he puts the wall where it needs to be.”
“Why are we fighting over this? We’re going to build that wall anyway, at some time,” Peterson added.
If Congress fails to act, then the president said he would be forced to take the matter into his own hands.
“As commander in chief, my highest priority is the defense of our great country,” Trump said. “We cannot surrender operational control over the nation’s borders to foreign cartels, traffickers, and smugglers … we really have no choice but to build a powerful wall or steel barrier.”
“If we don’t get a fair deal from Congress, the government will either shut down … again, or I will use the powers afforded to me under the laws and the constitution of the United States to address this emergency,” he added.
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A Florida man who spent just weeks atop the state’s electoral machinery as Secretary of State has just resigned after inexcuseable photos of him dressed in blackface emerged in the Tallahassee Democrat newspaper.
Former Florida Secretary of State Michael Ertel was only appointed to the role in late December by new Gov. Ron DeSantis, who made headlines for calling his African-American opponent a “monkey” on Fox News.
Ertel resigned within only a few hours of the newspaper asking Gov. DeSantis for comment this morning on the egregious photographs, which depicted his Secretary of State dressing in drag and outrageously pretending to be a victim of Hurricane Katrina which devastated New Orleans in 2005. The Democrat wrote:
After the Democrat texted the photos to him last week, Ertel, 49, identified himself as the white man in blackface and red lipstick, wearing earrings and a New Orleans Saints bandanna, and falsies under a purple T-shirt that had “Katrina Victim” written on it.
The photo was taken in 2005, eight months after Ertel was appointed Seminole County supervisor of elections and two months after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans.
Mike Ertel was appointed to the role of county election supervisor by former Gov. Jeb Bush only months before the offensive photos, and easily won re-election in the heavily Republican county the next year and since then.
He even participated in monitoring the 2006 New Orleans mayoral election the following year.
Ertel’s job as Florida Secretary of State put him in the middle of the most consequential question in the swing state about voting rights after the people voted overwhelmingly to enact Amendment 4 last November, which would automatically give the franchise back to convicted felons who have served their time.
The state’s last Republican Governor lost an embarrassing federal court decision after he openly discriminated against African-American ex-felons begging him for their rights back while helping white applicants who promised to vote for him.
Moreover, Ertel’s appointment to such a high-ranking position shows that Florida’s new Republican Governor who surprised many by being less harmful to the environment is still nothing more than a typical Trump-ally.
Last week, DeSantis turned around and appointed a Trump Administration lawyer to the Florida Supreme Court, who gave Trump University a free pass while working in the state’s Attorney General’s office. Even worse the Trump official he nominated has absolutely no judicial experience.
Florida’s elections have had enough problems recently between outdated equipment and out of control Republican Governors.
Sadly, the Sunshine State’s newest GOP governor has continued the trend of turning Florida’s elections into a laughing stock by appointing someone who is pretty much openly racist to be Secretary of State.
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