As everyone and their dog knows by now, Roger Stone was indicted today. He was also arrested at his home shortly after 6 am in the dark by a dozen heavily armed FBI agents. I am not really fond of Stone, but one can’t help but wonder at the heavy-handed message being sent to President Trump here. This was overkill in my estimation and unnecessary.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders has other observations that are right on the money here. She’s openly wondering why the FBI hasn’t raided the homes of Hillary Clinton, James Comey and James Clapper considering what they just did to Roger Stone. He’s been indicted by a grand jury on charges consisting of seven counts, including allegedly making false statements to Congress, tampering with a witness and obstructing a government investigation. Hillary alone has done a hell of a lot more than that.
Robert Mueller is in his second year of a witch hunt against Trump over the Russian collusion investigation. Stone made bail and then gave an interview to Alex Jones where he says he’ll never testify against Trump and that this is all political. Stone also showed up in court this morning limping and using a cane.
Sanders is right that others such as Clinton have lied to the FBI without such tactics being employed against them as they were against Manafort and Stone.
From The Daily Caller:
“When asked by CNN about the recent arrest, Sanders said, “We’ll let the courts make the decision. A bigger question is: If this is the standard, will the same standard apply to people like Hillary Clinton, James Comey and [James] Clapper?”
“Clinton, former FBI director James Comey and former CIA Director James Clapper have all allegedly made false statements or been dishonest with the authorities during moments of official testimony.
“Sanders continued, asking, “Will we see the same people we know have all made false statements? Will that same standard apply? That’s a question we’ll see what happens on that front.”
“Many in media wondered about CNN’s role in the coverage of the raid of Stone’s home. According to a previous Daily Caller report:
“CNN was the only news outlet to capture footage of Trump-confidant Roger Stone’s arrest Friday morning, raising allegations that they were tipped off to the impending raid by the FBI or the grand jury handling the case.
“The seemingly too-perfect scenario of CNN being the only outlet on scene as the FBI raided Stone’s home sparked allegations that CNN had been tipped off to the arrest.”
I’m pretty sure that CNN was tipped off and had a front row seat for all of this. I also hear that Chad Johnson, an NFL football player who is a neighbor of Stone, was out jogging and saw the whole thing go down. Hard to tell who tipped them off but there are broadcasts that would alert the media if they are being followed such as Broadcastify.
As for the fascist tactics… Wray may have ordered that and not Mueller. Both are complicit but someone should look into that.
All of America is still waiting for justice for Hillary Clinton and others. Instead, we get intimidation tactics like this. These are very bad optics for the FBI.
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